Comprehensive Psychiatric Assessment

Building an initial sense of trust, connectivity and understanding, establishes the essential relational foundation upon which all other aspects of care are built. Together, we will work to understand what is not working, how it got that way, and what can be done about it. We will explore the vulnerabilities, stressors or circumstances that may have contributed meaningfully to the development of a problem; the variables that keep the problems going or prevent them from getting better, and most importantly your unique strengths, skills, and qualities that can be relied on to bring about growth and change. Our vulnerabilities and our strengths are made up of a lifetime of experiences and are rooted in our biology, social context, and psychological make-up. Our clinicians are skilled and experienced partners in the thoughtful and careful piecing together of this complex puzzle. 


Medication Management

Our brains and our bodies are not separate from one another; our mental health impacts our ability to take care of our bodies, and certainly how our bodies function and feel affects our mental health. Perhaps you have taken psychiatric medications in the past. Perhaps you have had bad experiences doing so, and you are uncomfortable trying again. Perhaps you are currently taking psychiatric medication and are uncertain of them working as well as they can but worry that making changes may cause you to feel worse. Perhaps you know someone who has benefited from psychiatric medication and now wonder if medication may also be helpful for you. Ambivalence about medication is normal and healthy and not everyone benefits from taking them! For many people, medication, taken in the short term, or over longer periods of time makes a big difference in how they feel and how they function. Our collaborative and conservative approach to prescribing is rooted in evidence aimed at maximizing efficacy, limiting risks, and minimizing side effects. Monitoring response and effectiveness with continuous evaluation of how medication is helping clients to achieve their goals is the cornerstone of the management process. Medication management is almost always utilized in combination with other forms of treatment, from psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, and skills building, to naturopathy and primary health care. Consented collaboration with other health care providers is a standard of quality care provision. We believe in teaching clients about how and why medications work in the ways that they do and about how to identify side effects in terms of what the client may feel or experience. Collaborative discussions which aim to weigh these experiences against the obtained benefits of medication is how we help you to make informed decisions about your health care.



Recovery is “a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential” (SAMSHA). Relationship is the vehicle of recovery and forms the foundation of resilience (Wheeler). For many clients, in addition to the sense of caring and connectivity that is garnered in therapeutic relationship, a deeper understanding of self and development of strategies for coping, problem solving and healthy relationship building results in improvement in function, reduction in distressing symptoms, empowerment, and relapse prevention. Supportive psychotherapy drawing from dialectical and cognitive behavioral therapies, interpersonal therapy, and motivational interviewing form the foundation of our therapeutic practice. 



Fees are determined based on the amount of time spent face to face and the complexity of clinical decision making and treatment. For these reasons, it is not possible to determine exact fees until services are rendered.